About Me

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I'm going to search for the meaning to my existence! I then, will find the talent within me, and develop it to the best of my ability. I will make the most of this life that I've been given and will do this without infringing upon anyone else's opportunity to do the same...

Friday, June 5, 2009


Why do you annoy me? Why are you doing to much? Why is your lack of style and grace distracting me? Why do I sound like the mad rapper? Why is it raining? Who even asked you? Why do student loans give me nightmares? Why do I have graduate school anxiety? Why ask why? Why are some of my relationships....questionable? Why are we friends? How do I know you? Why did I just ask that question? Why do I have to be the bigger person? Why do I sound like the mad rapper, again? Why is your weave distracting me? Who did it? Who gave them the right? Why will most of you question this post? Why do I get annoyed, quickly? Why can't next semester hurry up?!?!! Why do standardize test frighten me? Why won't you go away? Why won't I just say WTF is on my mind? Why do state and local exam results take an eternity to get? Why don't we all just say WTF is on our minds? Why is this post the BEST thing that every happen to me? Why will this post make you feel some sort of way? Ask yourself the question? Will I care? Why should I care? How will my close friends respond to this post? Why will a certain someone say "Whhhaaaaaa?" lol

OMG!!! that was the greatest form of therapy, ever!!! I'm sorry this post was not for your liking...I needed it!


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